The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Returning ...

Returning once again to the structure of what is here and now, my clear emotion starts to dance; a crazy and mysterious way, my everything from one moment to another changes completely;... the taste of the parts that are present in my living, fill the entire atmosphere with pride, honor and carisma.
Then, the first word of an specific phase, appears in this world to demonstrate the strength of ourselves.... the silence after that, is enormous, is huge; some kind of overwhelming and oscure;... we just leave our hole to enter again, and forget about the rest.
The whole story that captures our reality talks about our impossibles and dreams and how they are related to the Nature and Glory ... nothing in this planet is absurd, bay, or air, because, even in fantasy or extraordinary illusion, our minds have the power to see the truth of what is defined as unique or absoulutely common for the eternal youth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

El mundo indefinido ??

El mundo que va y que llega, que nos toca y nos siente desde adentro, se hace rueda con el az y vapor del tiempo.
Desde un comienzo, su historia en ciencia y plano presente, nos ha estado bombardeando con sus situaciones, tal vez, inexistentes;...pero, aún así;...el mundo que rueda y gira como uno, nos detiene y nos mueve cada día constantemente;...nos hace ver como seres verdaderos en un espacio extraño y absorbente.
El mundo, que hace, vuela y nos forma con sus estructuras, es el único Hogar seguro que nos esconde, aloja y nos sostiene;...puede que este mismo sea ruido o círculo indefinido, pero aún así, con sus fuerzas y palabras tan de mito, es lo que nos hace ser lo que somos en teoría, trazo y pensamiento rico.
El mundo con su todo y maravilla es aqui y ahora lo que gira y nos da gloria seguida.

Strange Conspiracy

How here and now everything is waking up in a way and manner that is bring us a reason to change our minds and start perceving the world as a unique kind ???.
How we and them are thinking about the instant breath that is making us suceptible against the pleasent thing that is present in our constant myth and rythm ??.
How the years that come and pass give us a special sense for being part of the eternal Universe ??
How you and me can belong to a circle that forms a concept or a body full of ideas and contradictory images??
How ourselves and structures can have their own souls and spirits to produce either happiness or a very strange wisedom??... how the conspiracy of the galaxies, airs and planets has been able to achieve its goal, by producing a mysterious feeling in all of us ???.
How everything works here??;...because, without wanting, right now I´m thinking about the wonders that very constantly are taken for granted.

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!