The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Sound of Life

The sound of nothing makes me wonder about the entire subject; subject that captures our spirit in limitless regions of what exists here, and of what will exist forever.
Nothing, nothing absolutely nothing sounds when the nature speaks or talks, just the whisper of the trees, during a peaceful walking of the wind. The birds, clouds and many other natural things, start then, playing their part in the stupendous game, while the few men that are still inside the fascinating scenario, start understanding their role in the play. They should just be the watchers and keep silence during the event.
Silence, just silence; … silence and the beauty of course, the beauty of this marvelous music, created by the experts of harmony.
And I was there, in the middle of somewhere of this illusionary concert, trying to be part of something, trying to forget my human body, and trying to transform myself into something that I could never describe with simple texts or adjectives.
My heavy corpse was gone, now my flying brain was present with them, singing with them, and understanding their meaning while singing with exquisite voices and pleasant sounds about the glory and life that is here inside.
So, as a man, indescribable creature, or just as a normal spirit that was able to released from its own and natural body, I can tell you that I felt life from a very distinct perception that I was never able to see, as someone that has been entirely moored to his structure and gravy look.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Simple ...Just Simple...Really, is very Simple

How here and there, the problems are the same. The troubles that the humankind faces, no matter where, in such a way are equal, in every single state, corner or hiding place.
Our minds, even though we don´t see it that way, are “special” machines that work with a simple, but also, with a very complex method that makes us feel crazy about our Universe, and our most real certainty that captures our all.
Ideas, thoughts and words, that appear day by day in our souls, makes us feel alive, and even off site, if that´s the case;… how everything works, that building structures that our own head creates, gives us space to demonstrate ourselves in different circumstances of the Earth.
Life is, without any doubt, and incredible challenge and an exquisite opportunity for us to grow, learn and understand our own smallness in the cosmos; … smallness, that ironically makes us understand our own immensity, in terms of authenticity, multifaceted tendencies, and imperfect, but very creative behaviors compared to the ones of other creatures of the planet that is present.
Being here, being human, being inside a body full independent opinions, judgments or believes is a divine subject that requires lots of revision and study. And being you inside yourself just as yesterday and the day before, is a beauty that we need to use correctly;… correctly, by following our own instincts, words and thoughts that are written in our heads daily.
Be you, be yourself and that´s the best; … Simple, make it simple;… just simple;… it´s simple, as our minds and souls, the only thing is that we make it complex because of our own and strange human sense .

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!