The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Monday, October 29, 2012

Africa Mia – Part 1

For a moment, a sudden is wonder;… for a second, the absolute world of the ideas turns into something real, and without even wanting, things just happen.

And that´s what happened to me, to my great craziness or to my simply me;… once, when I was as traveling around this fascinating places, created inside my head, I found a gap;… a little space or hole where I could enter to another zone;… the zone of the possibilities, and where you clearly see the link between your dreams and the most tangible stuff;... so there was me, in the middle of this thing, trying to understand infinite meanings related to this doubt;…  so just like that, everything started to flow;… flow and flow, at the point, that whatever issue that occurred one day in my thoughts, was starting to make sense in every single way.

And Africa then, is how appeared in the scene of this phase;… after thinking so much in its sound, rhythm and more, I end up touching its soils, breathing its air and listening its language filled with music and with a particular dancing that is pronounced well, only by African people.

At first, I was received by an incredibly unknown shona (language) in this site where the planes use to arrive;… I was received not with the most pleasant welcome that one could expect, as they asked me as well, for my original TEP (Temporal Employee Permit), which I of course, didn´t have in any of my bags or suitcases;… so, speaking between them, the shona just did its first act in my brain;… sounds without any sense just came across making me feel confused and out of place;… so, while trying to deal with this fact, one of the guards took me outside;… he wanted to see the guy that was waiting for me and that was supposed to take me to the place where I was going to stay;… so with shona and shona the two of them interacted a little;… and really a little, because after very few sentences the person that was supposed to pick me up, just disappeared;…  so, immerse in this funny circumstance in which I was trying to be part;… I just laughed in my inside and welcomed myself to this new adventure that I was facing with no exception.

With the eyes of an stranger, a visitor or a foreigner, I was honestly observing many different manners, modes and views;… so, understanding this circumstances, I decided to open my mind;… start considering every single thing that I was seeing as perfect and being thankful for the happenings that were occurring in front of my bones or weird look.

And I tell you, be sure, with this kind of philosophy or mind set, everything started to run on me as the exciting movement a river follows;...  one thing after another started to be a wonderful event;… event, that even now, surprises me for how everything turned;… the people I have had the chance to meet;… the experiences I have had, the acceptances I have had to assimilate and understanding how in this world, are thousands and million ways, to live life and appreciate what happens to us;… how our backgrounds, education and values, influenced a lot, in becoming the person we are right now;… how our own perception of the Universe and what we think is our function in the globe, is crucial to see everything bright or dark;… how the strength of our souls, spirits and aspirations, is important to build the person we would like to be in a close or faraway destination;… and how all of this is important, but at the same time, it is not, if you don´t believe in yourself and you are not open to whatever happens in your outside world.

The living of ours, as long as we want it, could be a fabulous scenario or a heavy nightmare, without even mattering, where are we standing in this very moment.




no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!