The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Friday, July 22, 2011

To Life

That life fills me with life during my lifetime, and takes me from everything while I´m living and breathing; that in every single instant of my way, my flight could accelerate to show off my own air.

Life, Life inside of me, inside of my own known person, inside of the world that takes me and inside the people that touches me daily;.life, life in the happy life, in the dark one and the cloudy other;.. life in the things that come to us, in the things that go away from us and in the things that stay in us.

Life, Life in me, Life in you and in all of us, the living beings of Life; .it is an art having you alive, so alive, oh great Life, because you are always so unstable, unpredictable and meaningful that you have become an important part of us during every second of our lives.

Germán Mingramm Yarza

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no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!