The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Monday, January 3, 2011

Faith vs Human Wisdom

Fiction, art, or the eternal mystery, is day by day, being more popular in our words and normal living. Our understanding of everything is getting borderless and even more ambitious than earlier.

Each time our time is getting more and more weak or exposed, in terms of rules or laws;… however, it is becoming more and more strong in terms of knowledge, technology and science.

The balance between the natural wisdom and the wisdom we want to achieve as humans is on a heavy risk that might affect entire circles.

What good or bad do we want to do to the biggest sphere of all?... do we want to respect it´s natural way or do we want to impose our own manner or mode?

The brightness of what is here and now is always going to show itself in it´s own particular way;… we just need to open our eyes and be aware of every single breath;…. All the colors, forms and shapes that appear in our living, are factual and extremely real, even though they are not as concrete as you and me or any other being. Formulas, theories or presumptions could be efficient to solve these mysteries but;… is that really, a necessary need of ours in which we have to focus?

Fiction, art, or the eternal mystery is day by day being more popular in our words and normal living;…nevertheless, we can still choose, whether to keep seeing these terms as very abstract and beautiful ambiguities; or to see them, as no surprising and logical ideas that could bring us everything except the fascinating emotion that gives us the faith, and the reliance to something that we think it´s present although we can not sense it very well.

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no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!