The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Thursday, January 6, 2011


And then, thinking about the Great;… let´s just define the word, a five letter sound that expresses an immense, huge or gigantic something about whatever. A Great Life, a great day;…a great journey across the universe or space that complements our world.

Great, when you say it or live it, can be defined as it’s exact synonym or meaning;…or well, as something without a name, definition or description, that has the enough characteristics to be considered as a Great thing or subject.

Great, is the adjective that deserves every single item of the income, that makes you feel alive or with a different shudder inside your body.

Great are the stuff full of beauty, but also, the ones that makes us recognize the repulsive;… great is for those things that refer to the contrasts, contrasts between the first-class and the worst matters of all.

Great is for my best vision, fact or experience;… as well as for my most terrible occurrence, incident or happening during my life time or short awaking.

Great is for the moments, instants or seconds, that teach us something relevant so we can become into someone better.

Great is for the air that is extended in the living;… for the one that gives us a new challenge in our daily sceneries;… and for the little topics that make us feel inspired, moved or encouraged to do something unusual or even extraordinary.

Great is the life that is here and now with all it´s seconds, things and beings that are firmly attached;… great is the present, and also it is the past;…great, is what we imagine for our futures and what we expect for our rarely race; race, that without any doubt, is rearranging the World.

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no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!