The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ching, chang Hu ...and the color is Blue

Hello everybody, today, Imagine Blue Productions presents ...tan tan tan ...
"Chin , Chan Hu ... and the color is Blue" ,

There are phrases, in our lives, that once in a while, makes us feel strange, off site, or perhaps, like foreigners in an alien world.
We normally think we have everything under control, and whenever we don't, we just simply feel it wrong;...why is that??...why is that need of ours of having to know all the answers for every single subject?; that because our humanism, or maybe, because our undeniable imperfect situation?....who knows, but what it's a fact, is the thing that we enjoy to know what's going on... just imagine a reality that speaks only chinese, no english nor spanish, french, russian or portuguese...for the chinese people that could be an enormous blessing, but, what about the rest of us that only speak other languages different to that one?... Would Ching , Chang and Hu mean something to us?...or those words would only be exotic sounds with no sense, logic or expression??... anyway, I'm just saying terms or ideas to enjoy the moment, however, as true or false these words could be, the sky in all countries, circs or circumstances will always be Blue, grey or white, according to the color of the seas, lakes and rivers that is painted in the Living.

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no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!