The Blue World of Germán

The Blue World of Germán
in the top near the blue of the sky

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Life as it goes - My Story I

I remember when I was 17; being in high school, a teenager, feeling like a grown up but still, enjoying of the pleasures of being a kid; well, not exactly a kid, but, not a complete adult with very mature or reasonable thoughts about life or about everything. However, my perception of the living was kind of particular; know, since ever, I have been a crazy person, with crazy ideologies full of creativity and lots of imagination. I also used to be a noble body, with good feelings and with an eminent silent soul that tried not to speak too much, because of it's shyness or timidity.

That year, 2000, I did a missionary trip to Oaxaca that in such a way, changed my way of seeing Life and the importance of everything. We were 6 on my team, three guys, including me, and three girls; we stayed for ten days in a very modest barn, sleeping with hens, mice, and some other intersting bugs and insects. We went during the Semana Santa festivities, so, everybody was quite religious during those days... since early in the mornings we used to go and play with the boys and girls of the town and spend some hours with the comunity; speaking about their worlds, routines, lives and stories,...after three days we were already part of them, having our own rounds and grinds;...everyday after 6pm we used to go to the borders of the river to wash ourselves, our clothes and the fruits we were going to eat for dinner. We felt the conncection later on, we were there not only by presence, but with our understanding, comprehension and sensitiviy. Being there after six days was something normal, or maybe, phenomenal;...everyday, more and more people of the joinder, opened their houses and arms to us with a better manner and attitude;... the food was abundant, the tortillas, beans, and soups were made with so much seasoning and love...and in anymoment we felt home sick or with indescribable
feelings for going home... we were in home, ... and honestly, I don't know why ??, we were these strange new foreigners that had come to eat their food, sleep in their barns and take great part of their times... heartily, I don't know why ??, why they treated us they way they did ??, why they were so great and generous, even though, there was not a justified reason to do it ??.

We only went there to be there, to spend time with them, to know about their living, lives and stories, share with them our moments and listen to their anecdotes, laughters and in some cases only their silences.

So, it was one day before the holly Friday, day in which a very big festivity occurs in the town in relation to the Jesus Christ's resurection... it was 6pm and everybody was just about to go home and rest for the next day's celebration;...when suddenly, I received an unexpected calling from one of the chiefs of the comunity...he asked me if I would like to act as Jesus during the ceremony; !!, for me it was a surprise, I don't know why they choose me ??, perhpas they couldn't find someone else and the only alternative that was still availble was my person. Of course I accepted, for me it was such a honor;...playing the role of someone really full of light, example and gift, reprensented an enormous privilege to me.

The next day, now as Jesus, I carried up the cross during the whole "Viacrusis" ... the cross was very heavy, and marks in all parts of my back started to apear because of the weight and the effort I was doing;... however, I never threw down the cross or decided to give up;...I was Christ in that moment, and as him or at least, as a good example for them, I felt as I had this big responsability with all, but mostly with me and with my pride.

Two days after that day, we returned to our houses;...we returned to our reality, to our lives and normal routines or dynamics:... nevertheless, since that trip of mine to that little but big side, my way of perceving life changed quite a lot;... putting my feet on another soil or earth helped me see things the way they are in other section of the planet... it's so magnificent to know, how this unique world can be filled with so many different ways to live life and accept your only present and actual fact;...nonetheless, each one of us only has one, and only one lifetime that needs to be lived in the way you think or you consider is the best one of all...No one can tell you which form of living is the ideal one, because there's just a huge range and none of them is the perfect one...everything depends on you and in what you want to do with it during the time you have it for you as a gift or as a loan.

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no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!

no azul ...pero, que tal el mostacho ehhh!!
Tin tan ... ahí te voy!!